Sunday, March 24, 2013

Influenster Sugar n Spice VoxBox

Got my influenster sugar n' spice VOXBOX.
Check out my up boxing video above.
You can also check out my review of the Colgate optic white products on my other blog post! 
As always these products were sent to me for free and for my review. 

Colgate Optic White Review

I received the optic white set from Influenster. ( I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes). The Sugar N' Spice Voxbox came with the toothpaste, mouthwash and toothbrush.  They say you will see results in 7 days so I thought I would test that out.  I took a start pic on my first day.  I'll post another picture in the middle of the week and then a final picture at the end of the week.

Sorry things have been really busy lately I will post the before and after pictures this weekend.

As for a quick review

Toothbrush - I like it it is a unique design and seems to work well...I have to admit though I still prefer my electric toothbrush

Mouthwash - My first impression was quite surprising this mouthwash is actually very sweet. I like that it doesn't burn my mouth and actually leaves it fresh and sweet.

Toothpaste - It whitens I can see the results just brushing.  The taste is the taste of toothpaste if not a bit like baking soda.  I like it though.

My overall impression is that this set works.  They really do white your teeth in 1 week. I can't wait to see how they look after a month.

Colgate® Optic White® website:
Influenster review page:

 @influenster #sugarnspice